Gamma knife

Continuing the discussion from General help:

I have a few questions if any of you lovely people can help
1 since leaving hospital and what seems like a never ending weight for a date to have gamma knife in Sheffield how much can I exercise my avm bleed was deep in the left side of my brain and grade 3/4 and has messed with my right hand side with regards balance walking eye sight but I want to keep fit so any help there greatly received
2 re the post surgery are there any major things I need to know
And finally is it normal to taste blood as this is happening to me at least three days a week
Thank you in advance for any help

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Ally, tough questions and certainly individual particularly as it relates to exercise. After my bleed I was advised to do no more intense than walk, and over time I gained the acceptance to jog, then light weights. I did all this in consultation with my neuro team, once I started t feel better I did not increase the intensity f my exercise until I had the discussion. It took several months to get back to working out fairly intensely but was advised to steer clear of heavy lifting for quite some time. I think in your case the best course is ti have a frank conversation with your care provider, always good to err on the side of caution.

Post surgery for me, was basically 6 months after my bleed and was told to do whatever I was comfortable with, recommended no sky diving or scuba for sometime.

I have not heard of the blood taste. When I’m at max heart rate I get a copper taste, but that is usually during intense interval training, or a few years back anyway! Interesting, if it since your bleed it would be interesting to figure out if a connection or not, I haven’t heard of it.

Take Care,



I had about 3 months following my bleed before radiation treatment. I too was told nothing more then walking. Post surgery, I was told to keep my heart rate below 140 and do nothing that causes over exertion. Don’t initially lift anything heavier than a half gallon of mik. I could golf, but no pushing carts. No skiing or skydiving. After a while I was able to do interval jogging but no full running. I also stayed away from any weight over 15 lbs…I just did more repetitions. I also consulted with my neuro team every step of the way. I was comfortable doing 4-6 mile walk/jogs and lifting light weights. Two and a half years after my surgery, I got too comfortable this spring and lifted 25 lbs dumbbells, and had a negative light headed reaction. I didn’t have a bleed, but feel that I’m starting all over again, building up to a more intensive workout.

I agree with JD, don’t push the limits, do what is comfortable and gradually add more and work with your neuro team.

No help here on your blood taste.

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I would check with your doc. Before surgery, I was given HR limits and only body weight resistance. After 3rd rupture & before surgery, only walking 15 min/day. Again, ask your doctor

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